He used to be a star. He wants to be understood. But after a botched Dunkin Donuts audition he starts acting out. Is his ‘mother’ Sandra’s unconditional love enough to keep them together? Based on a real life incident, Trevor hilariously tackles fame, delusion and humanity.


Writer Nick Jones
Director Denis Moore
Set & Costume Design Adrienne Chisolm
Lighting Design Daniel Anderson
Sound Instillation Dawn Holland
Stage Manager Jacinta Anderson
Assistant Stage Manager Jasmin Persse

Andrew Gilbert
Kevin Hofbauer
Rory Kelly
Angela Kennedy
Dion Mills
Eva Seymour
Andrea Swifte


Previews 26 July - 26 Aug 

Wed - Sat 8pm
Sun 6.30pm
Sat Matinee 2pm

“another example … of Red Stitch’s reliable ability to stun and capture the best contemporary western work …. the sort of performance that wins awards.” 


– Daily Review -

“Denis Moore’s production is refined and exceptionally well acted.”

 The Australian -

“an entertaining, surprisingly suspenseful show, with layers of depth and darkness under the barrelling surface humour.”

– The Age -

GREEN ROOM AWARD WINNER: Best Male Actor (Rory Kelly)

GREEN ROOM AWARD NOMINATION: Best Female Actor (Andrea Swifte)