Neon sign reading DO SOMETHING GREAT.

Neon sign reading DO SOMETHING GREAT.


Bequests have the power to transform arts organisations and are a remarkable way to share your passion for theatre with the community for generations to come.

At Red Stitch we nurture and empower artists and captivate audiences. To enable us to do this we rely on ticket sales, fundraising, philanthropy, and limited government support; but predominantly, we rely on our artists subsidising the work through reductions to their income.

By making a bequest to Red Stitch in your will you will have a lasting and dramatic impact upon the company and the performing arts in Melbourne and around the country. With your support, we will be able to ensure that future generations of artists and audiences alike can experience the dynamism that is created in the Red Stitch Theatre.

If you would like to know more about making a bequest to Red Stitch, please email us at to hear about our exclusive legacy circle, dedicated to those who wish to make a difference to Red Stitch for generations to come. We would gladly arrange a meeting to discuss this opportunity with you in person.


We would like to make a special mention of Edwina Mary Lampitt and her family, for the generosity they have shown towards Red Stitch in memory of Edwina and her remarkable life.


For more information about Bequests, please contact  or (03) 9533 8083.